Ways to Give

Become a Member – Yearly/ Lifetime

Donate- Once/Monthly/Yearly

CARS Program- Donate a Vehicle

Legacy Team Member- Endowments

Endowment  Types:


Your giving will enable the Peninsula Trails Coalition to fulfill our Mission and Vision.

Mission Statement

To promote construction, maintenance, and use of the Olympic Discovery Trail as a nationally significant, nonmotorized, multiuse trail across the North Olympic Peninsula.

Our Vision

To create and sustain the Olympic Discovery Trail as a world class, multiuse, nonmotorized trail system connecting communities across the North Olympic Peninsula, while serving as a catalyst for recreation, community health, transportation, and economic development.”

Legacy Team – Endowments

A number of options can ensure that the work of Peninsula Trails Coalition continues now and beyond your lifetime. Charitable bequests of cash or real estate, gifts of appreciated securities, charitable remainder trusts, and life insurance policies are just a few of the ways your legacy can live on.  Please to consult with your legal or financial advisors when setting up your bequest.

Primary Objectives:

To Support the mission of the Peninsula Trails Coalition by providing sustainable financial resources, to include a long-term endowment fund as well as a quasi-endowment fund capable of funding more immediate specific initiatives.

Our Mission:

To promote construction, maintenance, and use of the Olympic Discovery Trail as a nationally significant, nonmotorized, multiuse trail across the North Olympic Peninsula.” The Peninsula Trails Coalition is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Our Tax ID number is 91-1416511.

Any donations you make are tax deductible.

See Our Legacy Team 

Placing a Bequest In Your Will

One way people remember the Peninsula Trails Coalition in a will or living trust is through a charitable bequest. You can easily add an amendment, called a codicil, to your will or living trust. Here is some suggested language you can have your attorney review:

“I give devise and bequeath to Peninsula Trails Coalition (tax I.D. #91-1416511), located in Port Angeles, Washington, the sum of _________________ dollars ($_______________)
(or state a percentage of your estate, or describe real or personal property, including exact location) for the benefit of its general purposes (or specify the Peninsula Trails Coalition initiative you wish to support).”

Your bequest is entirely under your control during your life and becomes irrevocable only at death. If you have any questions please contact our Endowments Manager (PTCTreasurer@olympicdiscoverytrail.org ).

Donations in Lieu of Flowers

Upon a loved one’s passing, donations may be made to the deceased’s favorite non-profit in lieu of flowers. To encourage this practice, common language for an obituary is: “In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Peninsula Trails Coalition for the Olympic Discovery Trail in _______’s memory.  You can make your donation online  (www.olympicdiscoverytrail.org/donate/), or if you would like to send the donation by mail please send your check to: Peninsula Trails Coalition, P.O. Box 1836, Port Angeles, WA 98362

Please indicate on the check or on the website’s form that this donation is in ________’s memory. The Peninsula Trails Coalition will contact family members and share general information about contributions received in a loved one’s memory.

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds

Gifts of appreciated securities are easily donated, and may provide you with tax savings. When you donate appreciated securities to the Peninsula Trails Coalition, your gift will be exempt from capital gains tax on the appreciation, and you will usually receive an income tax deduction on the full value of the gift. If you have any questions please contact our Gifts Manager (PTCTreasurer@olympicdiscoverytrail.org).

Real Estate

Gifts of real estate can be donated, and may provide you with tax savings. Real estate will be accepted based on the projected financial benefit. Please contact our Real Property Manager (PTCTreasurer@olympicdiscoverytrail.org) for an evaluation of your donation.

Life Insurance Policies

Many individuals have life insurance policies that can be used to benefit charities when the insured dies or, in some cases, during the insured’s life. For this reason, life insurance policies are often excellent assets to use for charitable giving. If you have any questions please contact our Life Policy Manager ( PTCTreasurer@olympicdiscoverytrail.org).

Charitable Remainder Trust

Charitable remainder trusts provide for and maintain two sets of beneficiaries. The first is the income beneficiaries who receive income from the trust for life, or a term of years. This can be anyone – you, your spouse, a child, a sibling etc. The second could be the Peninsula Trails Coalition. If you have any questions please contact our Trust Manager (PTCTreasurer@olympicdiscoverytrail.org).

The information provided here is intended to be general and educational in nature. It isn’t a substitute for legal or tax advice. Please consult an independent legal and/or tax advisor for specific advice about your individual situation.

CARS Program

By donating your car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat to the Peninsula Trails Coalition you can Make a Difference!

Simply complete the form in How To and CARS will reach out to you to arrange the pick-up of your vehicle donation, at no cost to you. You may qualify for a tax deduction while supporting a cause that is near and dear to your heart!

How to:

Vehicle donation pick-up is always free to you and most vehicles can be picked up within 24-72 hours. You’ll receive an initial car donation receipt upon pick-up. Once your vehicle is sold, CARS will provide you proper tax forms in time to file. Their friendly Customer Service Representatives are here 7 days a week to assist throughout the process at 1-855- 500-RIDE. Donating your car, truck, van, SUV, boat, motorcycle, ATV, RV, trailer or airplane has never been easier!

Step 1: Start
Go to http://careasy.org/nonprofit/peninsula-trails-coalition , or
give them a call 1-855 -500- RIDE, and their trained staff will guide you through the donation process

Step 2: Schedule the Vehicle Pick up
In some areas, CARS will have the ability to schedule the vehicle for pick up during your initial call. In all other cases CARS will contact you within 2-3 business days to set a convenient appointment time for pick up. If you need your vehicle picked up sooner, please call toll-free at 855-500- RIDE (7433) as CARS may be able to make those arrangements. The vehicle will be picked up by a licensed tow company at no cost to you and will be taken to a CARS sale location. You will be provided a Donation Receipt by the tow driver at the time of pick up.

Step 3: The Vehicle is Sold
CARS has sales locations where they evaluate each vehicle. When it is cost-effective, CARS will make major and/or minor mechanical repairs. CARS uses auction houses to sell the majority of our vehicles. On occasion CARS may receive a unique or specialty item for which they may use other means to sell the vehicle. Their goal is to ensure that the Peninsula Trails Coalition receives the maximum amount of money for each donation that they receive.

Step 4: CARS Provides all Necessary Tax Deduction Receipts and Forms
Within 30 days of the sale of the vehicle, you will receive a thank you letter which you may use as a tax receipt. This may be your only receipt if your vehicle sells for $500 or less. If your donated vehicle sells for more than $500, CARS will mail you an additional receipt known as “IRS Form 1098-C, Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes” if your tax identification number has been provided. Call to Donate 1-855- 500-RIDE.



Calendar Events

10:00 am Hall Baetz Viewpoint Work Party!
Hall Baetz Viewpoint Work Party!
Mar 29 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Come and help the Peninsula Trails Coalition maintain a new viewpoint on Discovery Bay!  The late Hall Baetz was a long time advocate for the Olympic Discovery Trail, celebrate his dedication to public trails with …
6:30 pm PTC Board Meeting @ Dungeness River Nature Center
PTC Board Meeting @ Dungeness River Nature Center
Apr 9 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm
You are invited to Peninsula Trails Coalition’s (PTC) in person board meeting April 9, 2025 at 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM The meeting will take place at the following location: Dungeness River Nature Center 1943 …
6:00 am OAT Run @ Olympic Adventure Trail
OAT Run @ Olympic Adventure Trail
Apr 12 @ 6:00 am – 2:00 pm
OAT Run @ Olympic Adventure Trail
Saturday, April 12, 2025 is the Olympic Adventure Trail Run (OAT Run). It is a point-to-point trail 12K and half marathon as well as an out-and-back 50K. It takes place on the Olympic Adventure Trail.  …
9:30 am Run the Peninsula Railroad Bridg... @ Railroad Bridge Park
Run the Peninsula Railroad Bridg... @ Railroad Bridge Park
Apr 26 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Run the Peninsula Railroad Bridge Run @ Railroad Bridge Park
The Railroad Bridge Run is part of the Run the Peninsula Race Series. The Railroad Bridge is a 5k and 10K that’s an out and back on the Olympic Discovery Trail. Races begin at 9:30 am …